Sonic mindblooming forces proud to present u fresh nutrients for HeadBlooming experience!! Tune on and get ready for new specially selected blend from famous knobtweakers and tunegrowers.
Blends selected and combined by Meto MagicSeeds & Boris 604fx @ Sonic Chakra Blooming Headquarters
Everything dryed and cured by Master Monno @ Bimmilim-Soundlabs
Demos coming soon. Stay tuned.
01. AnnoyingNinjas - Kameltå
02. Papiyan - Charlie Sheen
03. Red eYe Jah - Ond Onsdag
04. Zoolog - Epidemic
05. Gnohm&420FX - KushKush (Sort Messe Remix by Lisbent)
06. 604 Magic Seeds - Swallow It part 1
07. Gnohm - Open Cluster
08. Madianbrains - Peak Signal
09. KnocKnock - Bestia Foris
10. Already Maged - Komarchiki